Construction of the DESY Innovation Factory has begun
In just three years of construction, a total of over 8,500 square meters of workspace will be created at two locations - the main site on the DESY campus and a second nearby in the Altona Innovation Park. The DESY Innovation Factory building on the campus will contain laboratories, offices and open working environments that promote the transfer of knowledge and technology from research to industry and society.

The future is being made in the DESY Innovation Factory
From 2027, the DESY Innovation Factory will serve as a location for pre-founders, startups and scaleups as well as partner institutes from the applied sector. It will create an innovation ecosystem that is unique in Germany, where ideas can be developed, and all participants can benefit from a wide range of networking, events and advice. The centre targets research disciplines, sectors and topics that are particularly promising for the future of society. In the life sciences, these are active ingredient and vaccine research, medical technology and diagnostics. In new materials, the focus is on sustainable and intelligent materials that are particularly durable or efficient to use. Quantum technologies is about modern forms of computing, sensor technology and quantum materials.

The DESY Innovation Factory already provides around 120 square meters of equipped experimental space in the Makerspace to validate product ideas and develop prototypes using 3D printing, laser technology, mechanics and electronics. This offer is currently being used by the first pre-foundation teams and startups and will be greatly expanded in the future with the DESY Innovation Factory. In this way, many people interested in founding a company and researchers will be able to exchange ideas across specialist boundaries in future and achieve decisive synergy effects.