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Investors for Hamburg Startups
© Mediaserver Hamburg - Christian Brandes

Find investors for your startup in Hamburg

You have an innovative business idea and need startup funding? Or have you already set up your startup and are now hoping to scale your business? We offer an overview of the different forms of investment and guide you to the right investor.

What types of financing exist?

Perhaps you have already started thinking about the right investment? Depending on your startup’s development phase, e.g., seed, early growth or series A, different types of financing are available. Public funding schemes and non-monetary support programmes provide support and guidance as well as various types of private investors especially in the seed phase. The most common forms are venture capital and business angels.

Venture Capital or Business Angel?

Venture capitalists focus on investments of several hundred thousand to several million euros and thus enable startups to grow quickly or expand abroad. Business angels, on the other hand, provide both financial support and input their expertise as entrepreneurs and invest mainly in startups whose business ideas and products are particularly exciting. You can find personal advice on financing and funding schemes as well as the right investor for your startup here.

Personal investor search in Hamburg

The Hamburg Investors Network (HIN) brings active investors together with capital-seeking startups. As the first point of contact for business angels, family offices, VCs and CVCs, HIN offers access to the largest startup portfolio in northern Germany. Robin Kruse from HIN talks about how to bring founders from Hamburg together with private capital and shares exciting insights about the right way to communicate with investors.

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Support and funding Programmes in Hamburg

Pitching is a must when looking for an investor. At pitch events, founders present their startups using a pitch deck. Presentations usually last five to ten minutes and give an overview of the essential facts. Presenters must outline their mission, business model and USPs as well as topics such as financial planning and their vision for the future to win over investors. Basically, it’s a question of standing out from the crowd. 

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Pitch deck feedback by for the Startup Lene Health, ©

Create your optimum pitch deck now

You have built a first version of your pitch deck presentation and need an expert opinion? The platform (by Startupdetector) offers startups free pitch deck feedback. It also features exciting best practice videos with real pitch decks, from which founders can glean valuable information and understand investors’ thought processes.


Hamburger Speicherstadt - Startup City hamburg
  • Sylvia Tantzen

    Business Angel

    “I invest in people who are burning for their idea. Numbers are important too, but I would first like to get to know the people.”
    Business Angel Sylvia Tantzen
    © Sylvia Tantzen
  • Startup-Unit Hamburg

    “Hamburg offers a lively and dynamic startup scene that contributes to the strength and diversity of Hamburg's economy - from logistics and aviation technology to healthcare and life sciences. In addition, there is a large number of investors who invest in innovative startups - from corporate VCs to business angels, it's all represented in Hamburg.”
    Hamburg Invest startup unit
    © Hamburg Invest Startup Unit

What makes investors tick, Heidrun Twesten?

What is really important to startups investors and how do they select innovative business ideas and startups to invest in? We talk to investor Heidrun Twesten. As Managing Director of Impacct GmbH, she advises startups in the areas of transformation and the capital market and knows how to sell a good business idea. Here she reveals which topics are particularly important to her.

Learn from experienced startups

Orientation is also provided by the experiences of startups that have received funding from investors and through various schemes. You can find an example in the LaborX podcast "Ideencouch". In this edition, Jan Evers (LaborX/Gründerplattform) is the guest of Hans-Christian Stockfisch, founder of Fintech Flexvelop. The two discuss the right funding, investors and banks.

Advice on finding investors

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