The Gunnar-Uldall-Wirtschaftspreis has been awarded since 2019 to promote the values of the social market economy. The competition is aimed at founders of startups, with a total of 15,000 euros up for grabs. Application deadline for the 2024 edition is 30 September.

The conditions of participation
The prize is named after the politician Gunnar Uldall, who died in 2017 and was, among other things, economic policy spokesman for the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the Bundestag and Senator for Economics and Labour in Hamburg. The award focuses on the following criteria:
entrepreneurial action in the spirit of the social market economy
sustainably viable and innovative business idea
strong personality with courage, vision and decisiveness
social competence in business management
Applications can be sent to by 30 September. Any company from the Hamburg metropolitan region with a startup idea that fulfils the criteria of the competition can take part. The application should include a description of the business model and its viability. Applicants should also explain why they deserve the award. The length of the application must not exceed two pages. A short video is optional but not expected. The best applicants will be invited to a 20-minute pitch.
The board of trustees, made up of friends and political and business associates of Gunnar Uldall, that has already decided about the shortlist, will then select the three prize winners. First place receives 10,000 euros, second place 3,000 euros and third place 2,000 euros. The previous main prize winners are Appinio (2019), NÜWIEL (2020), Plancraft (2021) dpv-analytics (2022) and hinterland (2023). You can read more about the 2023 award ceremony here.