NoscAI wins jury and audience award at AI.SUMMIT 2024
30 exhibiting startups, over 400 guests, including numerous decision-makers from business and science - these are some of the key figures from AI.SUMMIT 2024, which was dedicated to the latest developments in the field of artificial intelligence. And things are set to get even bigger in 2025. This year, the medical startup NoscAI made the deepest impression and won two awards.
Medical topics dominated the AI Startup Award
The winners of the AI Startup Awards were determined in two phases. First, a jury of experts selected the four best startups from a shortlist of 30 candidates and also chose the winner, who was only announced at the AI.SUMMIT. The top four were allowed to pitch in front of the conference audience, who were also able to award a prize. The dominant topic was medicine, where AI can enable life-saving innovations. This is also the case with the startup NoscAI, which aims to build a global network of medical professionals in order to disseminate the latest findings and thus prevent misdiagnosis and treatment with fatal consequences. Preventing strokes is one of the goals of dpv-analytics and its mini ECG device myritmo, which provides reliable health data without long waiting times.
AI agents and predictive maintenance
Of course, AI has many other possible applications, including making work easier in sales. The software from dealcode takes over routine tasks there, leaving the human staff free to devote themselves to more creative activities. dealcode is an example of the development of so-called AI agents, which are also intended to solve the problem of the shortage of skilled workers. aiomatic addresses the problem of defective machines in industrial production and the associated costs and loss of earnings. The AI of this startup recognises damage before it even occurs. This is called “predictive maintenance”.
After the pitches, the jury's decision was announced, which was in favor of NoscAI. And the audience, who could vote by cell phone, also voted for the medtech startup.
An AI action plan for Germany
The AI.GROUP from Hamburg is the driving force behind the AI.SUMMIT, and it has big plans for 2025. The summit sceduled for October 15 is set to be significantly larger than this year. There is talk of at least 150 startups and well over 1,000 visitors. There are plans for even closer cooperation between the four existing AI Startup Hubs in Germany and the establishment of others. The AI.HUB, which aims to get corporates on the AI track, will soon be launched in Hamburg. Finally, the “AI for Germany” action plan was presented with eleven theses on the use of artificial intelligence in Germany.