In July, IFB Innovationsstarter GmbH really reved up, especially with the InnoImpact programme. With Diverlyze, Nalei, Soberland and VOLU., four teams received funding. They were joined by ItchyMonsters as an InnoFounder startup and KONVOI as a new addition to the InnoFinTech programme.

The first newcomer to the InnoImpact programme is Diverlyze. This startup claims to be the first platform that enables data-based measurement and sustainable improvement of diversity, equality and inclusion in companies. The analysis takes into account not only age and gender, but also religion, disability, social and ethnic origin and sexual orientation. In addition to the pure analysis, Diverlyze also offers advice and recommendations for action.

The full name of the startup is Nalei - You are not alone, which delivers a good explanation of the idea behind it. Nalei is developing an app that connects people with mental health problems and other challenging life situations with people who have had similar experiences and can now offer support on at eye evel. The aim is to ensure data security and anonymity. Nalei is currently looking for test users who would like to act as helpers. Important: The app is not intended to replace therapy.

This also applies to Soberland, which has a similar approach to Nalei, but focusses on alcohol addiction. To overcome this, the startup offers digital self-help groups, coaching and online courses. Founder Andrea Noack, who worked in international advertising agencies for many years, knows exactly what she is talking about. After all, she was addicted to alcohol herself, but has been sober for a long time and has written a book about her experiences that is well worth reading.

Millions of people in Germany are already involved in voluntary work, but there could be even more. The startup VOLU. wants to make sure of this by setting up a platform to strengthen volunteering. One important tool is the VOLU.Card. It gives volunteers discounts with various cooperation partners. These are mainly small and local companies that also receive support in this way.

The ItchyMonsters have secured a place in the InnoFounder programme. The startup with the funny name addresses a disease that many children suffer from: Neurodermatitis. An app is designed to encourage young patients to carry out their therapy to alleviate the skin disease correctly and regularly. Playful elements with virtual monsters help with this. There is also informative content and a diary function, which also provides valuable data for the treating doctors.

The InnoFinTech programme is not just for financial startups, as the example of KONVOI shows once again. This startup has been around since 2020 and emerged from a research project at Hamburg University of Technology. It offers a security system designed to prevent cargo theft from lorries. Sensors are used to detect suspicious movement patterns and trigger an alarm. At the beginning of 2024, KONVOI was able to attract a number of business angels for a financing round.