In recent years, Hamburg has increasingly developed into a leading German food metropolis. The Food Innovation Camp initiated by Hamburg Startups, which took place for the sixth time on 17 June, has been contributing to this since 2017. Over 1,300 participants were able to visit more than 90 exhibitors and experience an extensive conference and event programme and many celebrities from Renate Künast to Ralf Dümmel.

A wide range of topics and two startup competitions
High on the agenda were a wide range of topics that linked our nutritional behaviour with social developments. These included avoiding food waste and the Planetary Health Diet, which can help combat climate change with more plant-based foods. Another key topic, in keeping with the 2024 sports year, was entitled "Food & Fitness". World boxing champion Natalie Zimmermann, national hockey player Lisa Altenburg and national football players Timo Hildebrand and Marcell Jansen had their say.
Two competitions were also among the programme highlights. A total of 30 startups were able to present themselves on the pitch stage throughout the day. GURU Granola received the highest jury score for its innovative 'puffed physalis' snack, among other things. Three startups competed in the decisive pitch of the "Dein Newcomer 2024" competition, awarding the best innovation. The main prize, a test listing at retailer REWE Nord, was won by Mio Olio for seasoning oils from the Italian cuisine.

Hamburg as an international hub for the food scene
A panel entitled "Hamburg as a food hub: trends and innovations" was particularly well attended. Christin Siegemund, founder of foodlab, had Dr Sebastian Rakers as one of her guests. His company BLUU Seafood was originally founded in Berlin, but has relocated its headquarters and production facility for cell-based fish to Hamburg. Rakers justified this with the well-connected food scene and the funding opportunities in the Hanseatic city. Internationality also played a role, as it does for the trading company CREMER. The company runs its global business from Hamburg, which includes the development of plant-based meat alternatives in Singapore. Additionally, Dr Annika Schroeder, Managing Director of foodactice e.V., spoke about the food cluster that is currently being created to further strengthen the industry's presence.