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When it comes to financial support for innovative startups in Hamburg, IFB Hamburg with its subsidiary IFB Innovationsstarter GmbH is the first point of call. It now offers six different programmes with grants and equity capital. In this article, you will find an overview of who the individual funding programmes are suitable for and in which phase of the company.

IFB Innovationsstarter GmbH implements the InnoFounder, InnoRampUp, InnoImpact and InnoFinTech grant programmes in close cooperation with its parent company, IFB Hamburg. It is the main point of contact for the startups. It markets the programmes and supports the startups in all functional matters from the initial contact to the conclusion of the funding. IFB Hamburg is responsible for processing the actual financial support. This essentially means that it issues the funding notices and pays out the amounts. 

It is not possible to combine the grant programmes with each other, but a combination with the EXIST programmes of the Federal Ministry of Economics is possible in all cases.



The InnoFounder programme was created to give innovative startups, particularly from the media and content sector, a chance to receive funding, but it is also open to all other industies. Innovative, digital business models are particularly in demand. In principle, a contribution to the UN Sustainability Lines is desired, but not a requirement. It is not essential that the business idea is based on a self-developed technology.

Who can apply

The funding is aimed at startups in the pre-foundation or foundation phase. Applications are open to natural persons or partnerships with legal capacity, provided they have not yet commenced business activities or have been in existence for less than one year. Legal entities may not be older than one year (after entry in the commercial register). The registered office of the company must be in Hamburg or must be relocated there before the grant is awarded.

What the funding consists of

The amount of the grant is a lump sum of up to 2,500 euros per person per month. A maximum of three people per team are subsidised. The maximum amount per startup is 75,000 euros. The grant is awarded as a non-repayable subsidy for a maximum period of 18 months and is paid to the startup in monthly instalments.

How the application works

Applications are submitted digitally via an online form. The application requires, among other things, a meaningful pitch deck and a project description. A template is available for the latter. If the application is deemed promising, the applicant will be invited to a pitch. If this leads to a positive result, more detailed application documents are prepared. The respective programme managers at IFB Innovationsstarter provide intensive support during this process. The final decision as to whether you are accepted into the programme is made by IFB Hamburg based on the vote of an awards committee. You should allow at least 12 weeks from the initial contact to the positive funding decision.

Successful examples

InnoFounder has been around since 2018 and has already supported well over 100 startups. The range is correspondingly wide. From startups based on AI applications to HealthTech and GreenTech, everything is included. One of the biggest success stories is GoodBytz. Its kitchen robot raised 12 million euros in a Series A financing round in 2023. Another success story is the startup Pink! Aktiv gegen Brustkrebs. Pink! recorded a successful exit shortly after receiving funding.

© traceless: the founders Johanna Baare and Anne Lamp
© traceless: the founders Johanna Baare and Anne Lamp


The InnoRampUp funding programme focuses on startups from the DeepTech sector. It is therefore aimed at startups that impress with a self-developed, sophisticated technological innovation and clearly differentiate themselves from their competitors, for example through patents. In addition, initial letters of intent from customers, initial pilot customers and/or initial sales should exist. This often applies to spin-offs from universities and research institutions. A contribution to achieving the sustainability goals of the United Nations is an advantage.

Who can apply

InnoRampUp is aimed at startups that have already been founded and are in an early phase of their development. Startups that fulfil the criteria for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as defined by the European Commission are eligible to participate. This means that they may not have more than 50 employees and an annual turnover or balance sheet total of up to 10 million euros. According to the commercial register entry, the startup must not be older than two years. The company must be based in Hamburg or must be relocated there before funding is granted.

What the funding consists of

InnoRampUp is a programme that reimburses expenses incurred during the implementation of the startup project to be funded. A total of up to 150,000 euros is available. Advance payments (instalments) can also be granted after application to improve liquidity. A simplified billing process for startups was recently implemented based on feedback from funded startups. The exact types of costs that are reimbursed can be found in the funding guidelines.

How the application works

Here too, the application process is digital. A meaningful pitch deck is required as part of the process. In the second step, if the documents are assessed by IFB Innovationsstarter GmbH as promising, the pitch will be presented to their team. If this is convincing, you will prepare your in-depth application documents and receive help from the Innovationsstarter team. The final decision on whether you are accepted into the programme is made by IFB Hamburg based on the vote of an award committee. The entire process usually takes 12 weeks.

Successful examples

InnoRampUp is the programme that has benefited the most startups. Since 2013, 182 startups have received funding. The list of successes is correspondingly long. For example, the medtech startup apoQlar, which was already supported in 2018, announced a series A financing round of 10 million euros in May 2024, which speaks for the long-term impact of the programme. Another example is the deep tech and impact company traceless, which is one of the most successful startups from Hamburg. traceless has an impressive patent-pending technology that makes it possible to produce a biocircular plastic alternative from plant residues from the agricultural industry.

© Invest it!: Victor Neumann and Fabian von Aichberger
© Invest it!: Victor Neumann and Fabian von Aichberger


The InnoImpact funding programme is similar to InnoFounder, but has a clear focus. It is aimed at startups in the field of social entrepreneurship. The focus here is not on maximising profits and increasing the value of the startup. Instead, innovative solutions are sought for challenges of the society, particularly in the social and ecological field. The startup must make a contribution to achieving at least one of the United Nations' sustainability goals and strive for a long-term orientation towards the common good. The impact model must be clearly defined and the startup must act transparently both internally and externally.

Who can apply

Funding is available to natural persons or partnerships with legal capacity, provided they have not yet commenced business activities or have been in existence for less than one year. In addition, to legal entities that have generally been in existence for less than two years. The annual turnover or the annual balance sheet total should not exceed two million euros. With regard to the financing of the startup, in addition to own turnover, investments, donations and foundation funds are also possible. The number of employees should generally be less than ten. The company must be based in Hamburg or must be relocated there prior to funding.

What the funding consists of

The amount of the grant is a lump sum of up to 2,500 euros per person per month. A maximum of three people per team are supported. The maximum amount per startup is 75,000 euros. The grant is awarded as a subsidy for a maximum period of 18 months and is paid to the startup in monthly instalments.

How the application works

Applications are submitted digitally via an online form. The application requires, among other things, a meaningful pitch deck and a project description. A template is available for the latter. If the application is deemed promising, the applicant will be invited to a pitch. If this leads to a positive result, more detailed application documents are prepared. The respective programme managers provide intensive support during this process. The final decision as to whether you are accepted into the programme is made by IFB Hamburg based on the vote of an awards committee. You should allow at least 12 weeks from the initial contact to the positive funding decision.

Successful examples

The startups that have received funding so far include the non-profit organisation Invest it!, which promotes financial education in schools, the non-profit GmbH VIVO Carbon, which finances and implements agroforestry systems for climate protection, and the startup Soberland with its online offer for people who want to overcome their alcohol addiction permanently.

© plancraft: the founders Alexander Noll (CPO), Julian Wiedenhaus (CEO) and Richard Keil (CTO).
© plancraft: the founders Alexander Noll (CPO), Julian Wiedenhaus (CEO) and Richard Keil (CTO).


The InnoFintech programme is similar to InnoRampUp, but addresses innovative startups from the fintech and insurtech sector. However, related areas such as proptech or legaltech can also be funded, provided there is a clear financial connection. If the startup makes a contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, there are plus points for the application. In addition, as with all other programmes, the aim here is to give special consideration to teams with female founders.

Who can apply

The programme is aimed at startups in their early or middle development phase. The application criteria largely correspond to those of the InnoRampUp programme: SMEs with up to 50 employees and an annual turnover or balance sheet total of up to 10 million euros are eligible for funding. The company must be based in Hamburg or must be relocated there before funding is granted. The difference: the company must be less than five years old according to the commercial register.

What the funding consists of

The close relationship to InnoRampUp isevident here as well. InnoFinTech is also an expenditure reimbursement programme. Expenses required for the growth of the startup, such as personnel costs or external service costs for technical developments or licences, for example, are reimbursed. More details are defined in the corresponding funding guidelines. The maximum funding amount is 200,000 euros. Advance payments are also possible here after consultation and application.

How the application works

Applications are submitted digitally via an online form. An informative pitch deck is required for the application. Ideally, the process already described takes place: the team reviews the documents and assesses whether the application appears promising. This is followed by a pitch to IFB Innovationsstarter GmbH, support in preparing the application and a decision by the awarding committee. Again, expect the process to take at least twelve weeks until you receive a decision.

Successful examples

A look at the startups that have received funding to date shows just how broadly based InnoFinTech is. It includes early-stage FinTechs such as the financial education app Moneten, blockchain-based platforms such as Caplend and the startup Parto, which is developing a digital payment method for people in care. Funded startups that operate in neighbouring fields include proptech Plancraft and legaltech Goyaa.

In contrast to the grant programmes presented so far, IFB Innovationsstarter GmbH participates as an investor in innovative startups with the InnoStarterFonds and the new InnoVenture Fonds. The focus is on genuine startup financing as well as later rounds. A minimum viable product (MVP) should be available and initial market feedback is desirable.

© IFB: the team of IFB Innovationsstarter GmbH
© IFB: the team of IFB Innovationsstarter GmbH


The InnoStarterFonds is an early-stage investment programme that has been tried and tested for more than ten years.

Who can apply

In request are startups with innovative concepts that stand out from the competition. There is no industry focus. The company must be less than five years old, must have its office or a permanent establishment in Hamburg and be registered as a corporation. Individuals are not eligible to participate. There are also restrictions on the number of team members (less than 50) and annual turnover or balance sheet total (less than 10 million euros). The aim of the company should be an exit, meaning. a profitable sale. A proof of technology and a proof of market are desirable, therefore a demonstrably functioning technology and initial market successes. The fund is suitable as follow-up funding to the grant programmes already described, although participation in these is not a prerequisite.

What the funding consists of

Up to 1.5 million euros can be invested per startup, of which a maximum of 800,000 euros can be invested in a single financing round. As a rule, IFB Innovationsstarter GmbH does not invest on its own; the startup requires additional investors. If things need to move quickly, the fast track procedure is recommended, which involves a leaner examination process. Up to 250,000 euros are possible there.

How the application works

The application process is straightforward in the first step; an email ( with an informative pitch deck and a financial plan is sufficient. After a successful pitch meeting, if the pitch deck is convincing, a term sheet is usually issued. The process from the initial approach to the official finalisation of the financing (including due diligence) usually takes three to six months.

Successful examples

The InnoStarterFonds has made almost 60 investments since 2012. Successful exits include HQLabs with agency software, the medtech startup KSK Diagnostics and the gas analysis company bentekk. The fund currently holds promising investments in GQ, Sympatient, Mindpeak, Provirex and i3 Membrane, for example.

© Sympatient: the founders Christian Angern, Julian Angern and Benedikt Reinke
© Sympatient: the founders Christian Angern, Julian Angern and Benedikt Reinke


The latest funding instrument from IFB Innovationsstarter GmbH is the InnoVentureFonds. It is aimed at startups that have successfully completed the seed phase.

Who can apply

Applicants for the InnoVentureFonds should have already positioned their startups in such a way that they can demonstrate commercial success on the market. Companies from areas such as life sciences, biotechnology and quantum computing, which require a high level of research and therefore time and capital, are excluded from this requirement. Business models that contribute to solving social challenges have an advantage. The focus of business activities must be in Hamburg, the legal form must be a non-listed corporation (preferably a GmbH) and there must be high growth and exit potential. Furthermore, the group turnover must not exceed 75 million euros.

What the funding consists of

A startup can receive up to 7 million euros from the InnoVentureFonds, but at least 2 million euros. Co-investors are required, ideally in a ratio of at least 50:50.

How the application works

Here too, the application process is initially unbureaucratic and involves an email ( with a pitch deck and a financial plan. It usually takes three to six months from the initial approach to the finalisation of the financing.

Successful examples

The InnoVentureFond has been in existence since 2024 and has invested in eight startups to date. A good example of this is the medtech startup Sympatient, which has already received funding from InnoRampUp and the Innovationsstarter Fonds.

  • Public financing in Hamburg

    As a founder in Hamburg, you can access an attractive range of advisory services and an excellently developed funding landscape. Various public funding programmes support your startup financially and with advice, depending on the development phase of your company.

  • Support programmes for startups

    In addition to the IFB's public funding programmes, Hamburg offers founders an excellent infrastructure for further financial support. Numerous offers such as startup consulting, accelerator and incubator programmes enable startups to grow and drive innovative ideas forward.


Startup City Hamburg

At Startup City Hamburg you can find Hamburg’s inspiring startup ecosystem gathered into one space.

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