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Success Stories Startups Ecosystem Hamburg

For every euro spent in Hamburg from tax revenues to promote innovation, companies invested a further 1.76 euros in the location. This is one of the results of a study that evaluated the work of the Hamburg Investment and Development Bank (IFB).


Fundings create increases in turnover and jobs

The external evaluation, carried out by the Gesellschaft für Finanz- und Regionalanalysen (GEFRA), analysed both the implementation and the impact of seven standard funding programs in the areas of startups and research, development and innovation. These include programs such as InnoRampUp, InnoFounder and the Innovationsstarter Fonds Hamburg as well as the Program for Innovation (PROFI) and Green Aviation Technologies. The analysis is based on funding data from the years 2013 to 2022, supplemented by surveys of funding recipients and interviews with experts. The aim was not only to evaluate the effectiveness of the programs, but also their strategic embedding in Hamburg's socio-economic development.

According to the report, IFB Hamburg approved funding of 113.3 million euros to startups and existing companies between 2013 and 2022, which triggered investments totaling 312.8 million euros. This corresponds to a leverage effect of 1.76 euros per funding euro. In addition to the pure financing gap, the funding also closed innovation deficits and increased competitiveness. Funded startups and companies recorded an annual increase in turnover of around 184 million euros. In addition, more than 3,000 new jobs were created. By 2040, a cumulative increase in gross value added of 464.6 million euros is expected as a result of the funding examined. For every euro of funding invested, there is a long-term added value of around 4.10 euros.

© Authority for Economics and Innovation: Dr. Melanie Leonhard, Senator for Economics and Innovation
“In promoting innovation, we combine commercial common sense with the courage to develop something new. Hamburg's innovation funding is proving to be a successful model - and has been for more than a decade. Hamburg is one of Europe's leading innovation locations! In order to maintain a good starting position for our economy, we need long-term commitment and continuity in the promotion of innovation - in order to develop tomorrow's successful models today. At the same time, it is important to use the available funds responsibly. The result is good for companies and for our city. Because Hamburg also benefits from additional tax revenue.”
Dr. Melanie Leonhard, Senator for Economics


Startup City Hamburg

At Startup City Hamburg you can find Hamburg’s inspiring startup ecosystem gathered into one space.

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