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Success Stories Startups Ecosystem Hamburg

Hacker attacks, phishing, malware - these and similar terms regularly appear in the media and emphasise the dangers associated with working on the internet. For companies, this can result in losses running into millions. To prevent this, many startups have dedicated themselves to cyber security. We present three of them based in Hamburg here.

© turingpoint
© turingpoint


The startup turingpoint takes its name from Alan Turing, a pioneer of computer technology. Founded in 2019, the company has offices in Paderborn and Dortmund in addition to its headquarter in Hamburg. It offers its customers comprehensive consulting services in the field of IT security and also develops own products. One of turingpoint's specialities are penetration tests (pentests for short). This involves simulating cyberattacks from external or internal sources in order to determine the security of web applications, apps, networks and infrastructures and uncover vulnerabilities.

© CyberSec-DMS
© CyberSec-DMS


Artificial intelligence and quantum technology are the gold standard in the field of cyber security as well. At least that is the argument put forward by the startup CyberSec-DMS, which was founded in 2021. In a self-description, it says: "By pioneering advanced cybersecurity solutions integrating GenAI and quantum machine learning, CyberSec-DMS supports resilient infrastructure and fosters innovation, which are critical components of sustainable industrialization."

© Guard Technology
© Guard Technology

Guard Technology

The startup Guard Technology, founded in 2022, offers a whole range of security solutions. They have names such as "Malguard", "Netguard" or "Logguard" and are part of an all-in-one platform. This is the company's most important promise: while competitors often only offer partial solutions, which requires several providers, Guard Technology guarantees comprehensive protection. The startup took part in the 4th batch of the AI.STARTUP.HUB, so it also utilises artificial intelligence.


Startup City Hamburg

At Startup City Hamburg you can find Hamburg’s inspiring startup ecosystem gathered into one space.

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