3 Hamburg startups that are bringing AI to the world of food
Artificial intelligence (AI) is now as much a part of everyday life in many sectors as the proverbial daily bread. The food industry is also benefiting from the technology in a variety of ways, as demonstrated by Hamburg startups supply.one, Coldsense and VeRise.

Numerous TV shows have already addressed how turbulent and chaotic things in professional kitchens can be. In real life, procedures are often even more complex, especially in commercial kitchens such as in hospitals or in company canteens. For them, as for hotels and restaurants, supply.one has developed AI-supported software that optimises the flow of goods from purchasing to storage to processing. Among other things, the solution is designed to help purchase at better conditions and calculate the use of goods so that less has to be thrown away.

Another challenge that affects commercial kitchens, among others, is the storage of frozen food. Coldsense specialises in making cooling chambers more energy-efficient, safer and more environmentally friendly. The startup's solution is to equip cold storage rooms with sensor technology that not only prevents ice from forming on heat exchangers, but also automates the defrosting process. The integration of artificial intelligence ensures automated and efficient control of cooling chambers and promises energy and therefore CO2 savings of up to 20%.

There are already a lot of apps as nutritionists. VeRise wants to conquer its place in this market and relies on artificial intelligence as a distinguishing feature. The VeRiseApp uses AI to create personalized recipe suggestions that are individually tailored to the user's nutritional needs, preferences and intolerances. In addition, playful elements are designed to make it easier to switch to a healthier, predominantly plant-based diet. The app is still in the development phase, but pre-registration is already possible.