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Success Stories Startups Ecosystem Hamburg

At this year's Startup Ecosystem Stars Award ceremony, the Hamburg startup unit GovTecHH of the Senate Chancellery and the Scaleup Landing Pad of Hamburg's business development agency Hamburg Invest were honoured in the "Startup Programs" and "SME Support" categories.

The Startup Ecosystem Stars Award is presented by the organisation Mind the Bridge and the International Chamber of Commerce. Every year, cities and regions that build and promote innovation ecosystems are honoured. At this year's award ceremony, GovTecHH and the Scaleup Landing Pad jointly received the prize. Both institutions work closely together to identify innovative solutions in the Hamburg startup scene and connect them with the administration.

©Andrew McLeish: Candace Johnson, Sascha Jacobi and Paulo Kalkhake at the SES Award ceremony in Paris
©Andrew McLeish: Candace Johnson, Sascha Jacobi and Paulo Kalkhake at the SES Award ceremony in Paris

About GovTecHH and Scaleup Landing Pad

Hamburg launched the venture client unit GovTecHH back in 2022 to promote the procurement of innovative solutions on the market through collaboration with technology companies and startups. GovTecHH identifies problems in the specialist deoartments, searches for suitable market solutions and checks their feasibility. GovTecHH then assists the respective departments in organising cooperation with the solution partner. Hamburg is currently working with technology companies and startups on a number of pilot projects. For example, the demand-orientated distribution of charging points for electric cars or the translation of editorial content on the city portal into plain language.

Since 2022, the Scaleup Landing Pad Hamburg has been helping young international companies to expand their business from Hamburg across Europe. The Scaleup Landing Pad offers various measures to this end: Coworking spaces, active matchmaking with relevant business partners or advice on organisational and process development. The aim of the Landing Pad is to connect participating scaleups with relevant companies from the Hamburg metropolitan region and support them in successfully driving their business forward in the Hanseatic city.

© Senatskanzlei/Claudia Höhne: Christian Pfromm, Chief Digital Officer of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
“We need access to innovations and new technologies in order to remain fit for the future as a metropolis. Startups and scaleups play an important role in this. We create the right framework conditions so that young, innovative companies can develop and grow in Hamburg. This award shows that we are on the right track.”
Christian Pfromm, Chief Digital Officer Hamburg


Startup City Hamburg

At Startup City Hamburg you can find Hamburg’s inspiring startup ecosystem gathered into one space.

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