FemupStartups invites you to speed networking at Bits & Pretzels
Bits & Pretzels is one of the most important startup events in Germany and always takes place during the Oktoberfest in Munich, this year from 29 September to 1 October. The festival offers a lot of opportunities to make valuable contacts, for example at the speed networking organised by FemupStartups, an initiative in which Hamburg Invest, among others, is involved.

Four startup metropolises are campaigning for more female founders and investors
Up to 7,500 startup founders, investors and decision-makers from the business world are expected to attend Bits & Pretzels. The three-day programme includes numerous panel discussions, keynotes, masterclasses, a startup expo and much more. The purpose of the event is to offer startups a networking platform and to provide them with tools and knowledge to promote innovation and social progress. The Female Founders & Investors Speed Networking offers a good opportunity for targeted networking. It will take place on 30 September from 11 am to 12 noon at the Munich Startup Booth. The dialogue partners change every five minutes, which guarantees a large number of new contacts. Pre-registration is not necessary, so spontaneous participation is possible.
The initiative FemupStartups is a cooperation between Startup-Champs Germany and the ONE MISSION initiative supported by InsurTech Hub Munich. FemupStartups has set itself the task of increasing the proportion of female startup founders and investors in Germany. As equality does not stop at the city limits, the startup hotspots Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne and Munich, represented by Berlin Partner, Hamburg Invest, KölnBusiness, Munich Startup and ONE MISSION, have jointly launched the initiative in 2020. The aim is to establish a Germany-wide network for female founders and investors and to increase their number with targeted measures.