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The Swedish marketing intelligence platform Funnel has announced the acquisition of the Hamburg-based startup Adtriba. The transaction is the final result of a multi-year partnership between the two companies. The aim is to offer joint customers an even more comprehensive service.

© Funnel: Per Made (CMO Funnel), János Moldvay (founder Adtriba) and Fredrik Skantze (CEO Funnel)
© Funnel: Per Made (CMO Funnel), János Moldvay (founder Adtriba) and Fredrik Skantze (CEO Funnel)

Adtriba will retain its Hamburg location

Adtriba, founded in 2015 by János Moldvay and Ludwig Ostrowski, measures the impact of marketing activities using a machine learning-based model. The startup, which counts companies such as FlixBus and Montblanc among its clients, has 18 employees. Founded in Stockholm in 2014 by Fredrik Skantze (CEO) and Per Made (CMO), Funnel is a marketing intelligence platform trusted by brands such as Adidas and Sony. Funnel allows users to automatically collect, model, visualise and analyse data from over 500 marketing platforms. The company has grown to over 300 employees and generated a turnover of more than 50 million US dollars in 2023.

In the coming months, Adtriba's software will be fully integrated into Funnel's platform. As before, the employees of both companies will continue to work in Sweden and Germany respectively. The marketing and sales teams will be merged. The existing customers of both companies will be served jointly after this takeover. János Moldvay will take over the position of VP of Measurement at Funnel.

©Funnel: János Moldvay, Founder Adtriba
“As Adtriba continues to compete in the measurement technology arena, we are thrilled to announce this next step in our journey. Measurement platforms are dependent on accurate, and timely data that shows a complete picture, something that is out of reach for many businesses in our space. However, through our previous partnership with Funnel, we identified their Data Hub as a key differentiator for our measurement product. By integrating Adtriba into Funnel’s Marketing Intelligence platform, Adtriba will more effectively compete in the measurement market and access a large base of data-driven companies at the top of their game.”
János Moldvay, founder of Adtriba


Startup City Hamburg

At Startup City Hamburg you can find Hamburg’s inspiring startup ecosystem gathered into one space.

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