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Success Stories Startups Ecosystem Hamburg

Health, inclusion and sustainability - these are values and goals that are at the top of the agenda for more and more companies, from startups to large corporations. But how can they be realised in everyday working life? Answers were provided by the Corporate Wellbeing Day and a number of startups that presented themselves there.

© Mathias Jäger/Hamburg Startups: the host of Corporate Wellbeing Day
© Mathias Jäger/Hamburg Startups: the host of Corporate Wellbeing Day

Achieving the goal with mindfulness

The event was organised by Impact Hub Hamburg, freenet AG, which also provided the premises, Techniker Krankenkasse and Hamburg Invest. However, they left the stage to others, such as former professional footballer Daniel Engelbrecht. He collapsed during a match due to myocarditis, which resulted in a long history of suffering. In the end, he was able to return to sport, at least in phases, and scored a crucial goal in his very first match. His lesson from this time, which was also characterised by too much ambition and impatience: three pillars are needed to achieve goals, namely dedication and motivation, but also mindfulness, which ensures that you don't overstep the mark.

© Mathias Jäger/Hamburg Startups: Marcell Jansen of STATICS MIND
© Mathias Jäger/Hamburg Startups: Marcell Jansen of STATICS MIND

Different ways of coping with stress

Mindfulness, meaning self-awareness in the here and now, also involves being able to deal with stress, avoid it as far as possible or at least create a balance. There were several offers on this topic at the Corporate Wellbeing Day. The easiest to implement is the Paint & Connect concept. In a workshop, participants were able to colour mandalas, Buddhist meditation pictures, and relax in the process. The startup offers team events also on a larger scale. So does Ackerpause, which turns vegetable growing into a communal experience and incidentally ensures healthier nutrition. STATICS MIND focuses on mental health and resilience, using scientifically sound data analyses. Another footballer, former national team player Marcell Jansen, presented the startup.

© Mathias Jäger/Hamburg Startups: Kim-Leandra Ide of Diverlyze
© Mathias Jäger/Hamburg Startups: Kim-Leandra Ide of Diverlyze

Inclusion, data-based and self-experienced

Diversity and inclusion are not just social values, they also have an impact on the economic success of companies. This is the approach taken by Diverlyze, which does not want to leave equality endeavours to gut instinct, but wants to put them on a solid data basis. The extent to which inclusion has already arrived in everyday life can be experienced in a very practical way with StattTouren. During a city tour in a wheelchair, a raised kerb quickly becomes an almost insurmountable obstacle. For people without walking disabilities, this is an experience that opens up a new perspective on their surroundings.


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