One million euros for social entrepreneurship from new funding program
The Ministry of Economics and Innovation and the Hamburg Investment and Development Bank (IFB Hamburg) are implementing another measure from the social entrepreneurship strategy with the PROFI Impuls funding call #UpdateHamburg 2024. An annual budget of one million euros is available for this.

These are the conditions and benefits
As part of the funding call, funding can be applied for measures and projects to develop and test innovative solutions for social challenges of particular relevance to Hamburg. It is not possible to fund services that are already being provided in regular operations. The social fields of action eligible for funding can be summarised under the following umbrella topics:
Environment and climate
Social participation
Companies (including startups) and organisations that were founded two or more years ago, as well as universities and research institutions, are eligible to apply. The prerequisite is a registered office or place of business in Hamburg. Alternatively, an application for funding is possible if the project is implemented in cooperation with an organisation whose registered office or place of business is in Hamburg. If the application is successful, the following conditions pertain:
The funding is granted as a non-repayable grant.
The maximum funding amount is 100,000 euros per individual project and 200,000 euros for cooperative projects.
The funding rate is a maximum of 100% of the eligible costs for non-profit funding recipients who have no economic interest in fulfilling the funding purpose (including universities in the non-economic sector) and 80% for non-charitable funding recipients.
The planned project duration should not exceed twelve months.
Project outlines for the development and testing of innovative solutions for social challenges can be submitted to IFB Hamburg between February 22 and April 30, 2024.