Application phase for startup competition Gründergeist runs until 31 July

Gründergeist, the startup competition of the Hamburg Junior Chamber, will be held for the 16th time this year. Once again, the most innovative and promising business ideas from the metropolitan region are being sought. Cash and non-cash prizes worth a total of over €20,000 are up for grabs.
After the closing date for entries, experienced practitioners from the ranks of the Junior Chamber will sift through all the business plans submitted. From these they determine the seven most promising. The top seven startups receive an invitation to a pitch training session, which prepares them for a presentation to a jury of experts one week later. This jury then determines their three favorites.

For the first time, Gründergeist also has a sustainability award
The public award ceremony for the three winning startups will take place on 29 September at the Renaissance Hotel Hamburg. In addition, a special prize will be awarded for the first time in 2022 for a business model that focuses on sustainability. This takes place in the context of the Hamburg 2040 initiative of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce. Hamburg 2040 sees itself as a platform for thought-provoking ideas and discussions about the city of the future.
The general goal of the Gründergeist competition is to support Hamburg’s startups with the prize money, but also with knowledge and experience, and to offer them a stage. The application form and further information is available at Supported by sponsors, the non-profit Junior Chamber Hamburg are responsible for the organization.
The association consists of about 130 active members. The Junior Chamber, which has existed in Hamburg since 1952, is organised both nationally and internationally. Its activities are closely supported by the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce. The Junior Chamber, with its diverse projects, therefore sees itself as an innovation workshop for the Chamber of Commerce.