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Logo of Startup City Hamburg


Logo of Evotec


Business model: B2B Established: 1993 Employees: 5004


  • Health
  • Enterprise Software
  • Biotechnology
  • Pharmaceutical

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Evotec is a life science company with a unique business model focused on providing access to highly effective new therapeutics. The Company leverages its multimodality platform with a unique set of innovative technologies for both proprietary and partnered projects. Evotec has (co-)founded a number of spin-off companies as well as joint ventures and has taken strategic equity positions in more than 20 companies with complementary technologies. With its BRIDGE model, Evotec supports the efficient translation of academic assets into the industrial context. Founded in Hamburg in 1993 by Nobel Laureate Manfred Eigen amongst others, Evotec today employs more than 4,200 people at 15 sites across Europe and the USA.


Profile provided by Evotec.


  • 27

    Global Investments

  • 5004

    Number of Employees

  • 1993

    Year of founding

A map with the location of Evotec

General Contact


Essener Bogen 7
22419 Hamburg


Disclaimer: Company data is provided by Dealroom and startupdetector UG Berlin (, except "About" text, header image, "About" image, email address and phone number.

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