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Logo of Startup City Hamburg
social and climate-friendly collection service for waste paper, old clothes and deposit items


Logo of recyclehero


Business model: B2B Established: 2020 Employees: 10


  • Energy
  • Transportation

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We are Germany's first social and climate-friendly collection service for waste paper, waste glass, old clothes and deposit items using e-bikes. Our customers include restaurants, shops, offices and private households. The deposit income is donated to social projects helping the homeless. In addition, we are committed to the (re-)entry of disadvantaged people into the workforce.

About the founders of recyclehero
Nadine Herbrich and Alessandro Cocco jointly founded recyclehero in 2018. Nadine has a degree in real estate economics and has advised international corporate clients, among others. Alessandro studied economics and worked in sales in the financial industry for several years.

Milestones & plans
In the future, the expansion of the service to other cities and recyclables is planned.

recyclehero team

Profile provided by recyclehero.

  • Early Growth

    Startup Stage

  • € 0.9m

    Total funding

  • 2


  • -55

    Growth Signal

Startup Stage

Early Growth
Late Growth


Number of Employees

A map with the location of recyclehero

General Contact


Stresemannstrasse 42
22769 Hamburg

Disclaimer: Company data is provided by Dealroom and startupdetector UG Berlin (, except "About" text, header image, "About" image, email address and phone number.

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