Work-Happiness-Report: How work makes people happy

What does a job have to offer to make people happy? The Hamburg-based startup awork, successful with a team planning software, investigated this question in an extensive survey. The Work-Happiness-Report was conducted by another startup from Hamburg, Appinio, which has caused a sensation with the digitalisation of market research.
More than 1,000 people with an average age of 41.4 who work in an office or home office took part in the survey, which focuses on the employment field of knowledge work. The first encouraging news: 77% of respondents are rather to very happy with their work situation, across all genders and age groups. Nevertheless, a change of job is at least an issue for a majority, with only just under 34% categorically ruling it out at the moment. Among 18-24 year-olds, 79% are basically willing to change jobs.
Three factors are particularly decisive for a job decision. 91% named salary as a key criterion, 88% job security and 75% exciting projects and work content. This is particularly important data for startups looking for talent, as they are usually ahead on the third item, but often not on the first two. Features that are particularly typical for startups are in some cases much less preferred than assumed. The football table with 27% is just a side issue there, but a clear position on social and political issues (41%) and diversity and inclusion (51%) are also among the least mentioned criteria.
So, what are the happiness factors that make employees want to stay? First of all, there is the compatibility of work and private life. A strict separation is becoming increasingly less important; the decisive factor is the balance. An attractive salary still plays a major role, with young people more and more putting happiness before money. Finally, trust and a good relationship with superiors and the entire team create a pleasant atmosphere. Emotional factors beat purely professional factors. Startups can score points here with flat hierarchies and a strong sense of community.
If you would like to view the entire study, you can download it here.