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Until 30 June, startups can once again apply for the GründerGeist, the annual competition of the Wirtschaftsjunioren at the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce. For the 18th time, the prize honours the most innovative and promising ideas in the Hamburg metropolitan region. This year, the final pitch will once again be performed together with the Körber Foundation at the Körber Forum.

© Mathias Jäger/Hamburg Startups: Philipp Depperschmidt, Júlia Vallverdú Ginès and Lukas Gaats of mo:re
© Mathias Jäger/Hamburg Startups: Philipp Depperschmidt, Júlia Vallverdú Ginès and Lukas Gaats of mo:re

How the GründerGeist works

The application takes about 15 minutes. In addition to a financial plan, a video presentation is required. At the end of the application phase, experienced practitioners from the ranks of the Junior Chamber will review all the business ideas submitted and select the seven most promising startups. These will be invited to a pitch training session on 14 September and will have the opportunity to present themselves to a jury on 21 September. Afterwards, this jury will select the three winning teams.

The public award ceremony will then take place on 25 September. Prize money and non-cash prizes totalling over 20,000 euros will be awarded to the winning startups. In addition, all participants will receive individual feedback from the experts. GründerGeist is organised by the non-profit Wirtschaftsjunioren and supported by sponsors. The aim of the competition is to support young Hamburg startups with prize money, but also with knowledge and experience and to offer them a stage. Last year, mo:re was able to secure first place. Recyclabs and atmio (formerly M2TECH) were also honoured.


Startup City Hamburg

At Startup City Hamburg you can find Hamburg’s inspiring startup ecosystem gathered into one space.

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