#UpdateHamburg 2022 promotes innovations for a livable city
1.5 million euros in total funding, up to 100,000 euros for a project - applying to #UpdateHamburg 2022 is worthwhile for the financial prospects alone. However, the reason for the funding program is at least as important. Namely, it is about strengthening Hamburg as a livable city for all.
a) Projects to develop and test innovative approaches to solving social challenges of particular relevance to Hamburg. There are the following umbrella topics:
Environment and climate
Social participation
Funding is available for projects that address at least one of these fields of action and whose impact-oriented approach contributes to strengthening Hamburg as a livable city for all.
b) Test projects for measures to strengthen Hamburg's ecosystem for social innovation.
Projects should test methods for qualitatively strengthening the societal innovation ecosystem or contribute in innovative ways to improving the visibility and networking of stakeholders in the innovation ecosystem.
Who can apply
Eligible to apply are:
Teams of natural persons in the form of a GbR.
Companies (sole proprietors, SMEs, startups, freelancers including social and impact enterprises)
Non-commercial organizations, including universities and research institutions.
In principle, the call for funding is aimed at individuals or organizations with their (residential) headquarters or place of business in Hamburg. Applicants to whom this does not pertain can apply for funding if their project has a high added value for Hamburg and has a central impact and application partner whose registered office or place of business is in Hamburg.
The funding is granted as a non-repayable grant.
The maximum funding amount is 100,000 euros per project/project.
The funding rate is a maximum of 80% of the eligible expenses for commercial funding recipients and up to 100% for non-commercial funding recipients.
The funding period is generally twelve months, beginning with the issuance of the approval notice.
The application deadline is October 22, 2022, and the final funding decision will be made by IFB Hamburg based on a jury recommendation. For more information on #UpdateHamburg 2022 and the application process, click here.