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With the Innovation in Digital Equality Award (IDEA), the Hamburg Senate honours and promotes innovation and commitment in the field of equity and gender equality in the digital space. The award will be presented for the fourth time in 2024; the application deadline is 6 September.

© Catrin-Anja Eichinger: group picture of the winners of IDEA 2022
© Catrin-Anja Eichinger: group picture of the winners of IDEA 2022

Two categories for more equality

The IDEA prize is endowed with a maximum of 25,000 euros. Wanted are ideas that focus on the specific life situations of women and develop solutions for them. The prize is awarded in two categories:

  • The Sponsorship Prize is awarded to technical innovations or innovative concepts that have already been developed and that digitally transfer equality-oriented analogue solutions in or for Hamburg or think ahead digitally in terms of equality.

  • The Honour Prize is awarded to women who have made outstanding achievements with their commitment to equality in the digital world or who promote and shape the digital economy in a special way. Women can nominate themselves for the IDEA Honour Prize or be nominated by another person.

Applications and nominations can be submitted until 6 September 2024. You can download the application forms for the Sponsorship Prize here and for the Honour Prize here. All important questions about the IDEA are answered here. The award ceremony will take place on 28 November 2024 as part of a Senate reception at City Hall.

© Pressestelle Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg: Hamburg's Second Mayor Katharina Fegebank
“The digital transformation can only succeed if it is also shaped by women: Equal opportunities must be driven forward together with digitalisation. This is exactly what we are promoting with the Innovation in Digital Equality Award: innovative projects for equality in the digital world. The award winners of recent years have impressively demonstrated with their projects how online tools, apps and AI applications contribute to integrating women's perspectives more strongly into digital planning and design processes, raising awareness of discrimination and thus strengthening equality for women. I am delighted that we are organising the IDEA Award again this year and am already looking forward to the applications!”
Katharina Fegebank; Senator in the Ministry of Science, Research and Equal Opportunities


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