In the startup show "Die Höhle der Löwen”, the Hamburg startup Futurised was able to strike a deal with Carsten Maschmeyer. For 250,000 euros, the investor receives 25.1 percent of the company shares. The two founders Max Schlensag and Eric Böger were able to convince him with so-called software robots that take over time-consuming routine tasks.

Futurised offers flexible solutions with software robots
Max and Eric are among the startup juniors in Hamburg. When they founded Futurised in 2021, they were only 18 years old. At first, the IT specialists took on agency jobs such as website design or search engine optimisation. They soon discovered that certain tasks and processes were regularly repeated in companies and that only details needed to be completely reprogrammed. Many things can be automated, which saves time and money and allows employees to concentrate on more innovative and creative tasks.
For this reason, Futurised has now specialised in process automation. To do this, the startup uses programmes called software robots that work with the help of artificial intelligence. One area of application is document reading, for example. But Futurised is very versatile, as Max explains: "The big advantage of Futurised is that our product can be implemented in almost any software. And for every customer problem we have the right components ready, which then just need to be put together."
According to the two founders, the deal with Carsten Maschmeyer has already paid off. Since then, the team has grown and is able to respond more quickly and flexibly to customer requests. They have also been able to win numerous new customers and enter into partnerships.