3 Startups from Hamburg working with crypto technologies
The rapid development of the cryptocurrency market has led to a thriving scene of startups pursuing innovative approaches in the field of digital finance. Companies in Hamburg are also active in this sector. Three notable players from the Hanseatic city show how diverse and forward-looking the crypto ecosystem can be.

A pioneer in Hamburg, MAGALL.ART focuses on the fusion of art and cryptocurrencies. Founded in 2021, the gallery collaborates with crypto artists, curates crypto art, and creates a connection between artists and collectors. Their goal to open the city's first CryptoArt gallery shows the potential of this industry for innovative art forms. Their services include art consulting, installation construction, events and exhibitions. MAGALL markets and distributes artworks by renowned artists through various online channels and a global network. Last month, the gallery showcased crypto art with its "100X" exhibition by allowing visitors to view the virtual gallery in physical space.

Mondo Gate
Mondo Gate AG offers a platform for crypto and DeFi (Decentralised Finance) services, including blockchain-based services, storage and trading of digital assets. With strategic partnerships, it enables access to the digital financial world via cryptowallets, bank accounts and debit cards. Traditional banking will soon complement digital offerings. The Mondo Gate Wallet combines the security of a cold wallet, which stores data exclusively offline, with exchange convenience, hosted by a Bafin-licensed crypto custodian in Germany. Assets are accessible via a web interface, secured on German servers. The wallet meets German and European regulatory standards, offers two-factor authentication and is platform-independent.

NAGA Group
NAGA Group AG is a German FinTech company that focuses on financial markets, virtual goods and cryptocurrencies. Founded in 2015, NAGA successfully went public in 2017. FOSUN Group, Deutsche Börse AG and Hauck & Aufhaeuser support NAGA. With a monthly trading volume of over €5 billion, NAGA's products give everyone easy access to financial markets, cryptocurrencies and virtual goods. NAGA also holds several EU financial licences and aims to develop the most powerful financial app in the world.