Artificial intelligence (AI) has now found its way into almost all areas where data analysis plays a role. It can be particularly helpful in increasing sales on the one hand and saving costs on the other. The Hamburg-based startups mysupply, NTRDE and 10AI each demonstrate this in their own way.

Procurement has the important task of ensuring that all the goods required for a company's work processes are available at all times. And this at the lowest possible prices. This work involves a lot of time and research, which the startup mysupply wants to reduce significantly with its software. It promises sourcing an average cost saving of 11 % and a reduction in operational expenditure of up to 50 %. To optimise the procurement process, mysupply uses artificial intelligence.

NTRDE follows a similar approach to mysupply, but with a focus on the chemical industry. According to its own description, NTRDE offers decision-making software that provides clarity, connectivity and context for commercial teams by docking with established workflows. To do this, the startup uses AI to collect and analyse market data and insider information to identify business developments in a timely manner and generate competitive advantage.

While mysupply and NTRDE focus on B2B business, 10AI takes a closer look at the behaviour of end consumers in retail. To do this, the startup creates a digital twin of a shop space and determines the optimal placement of product groups and shelves. An artificial intelligence determines which shop layout promises the best sales. A heat map illustrates customer movements and the most frequented locations in a shop. With the help of 10AI, a test alteration with an uncertain outcome is avoided.