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Success Stories Startups Ecosystem Hamburg

Summer holidays in Hamburg - but not for IFB Innovationsstarter GmbH. In August 2024, it once again supported five startups: AZUBI COMPANION, ISM GmbH, dealday, Lit-X and Noisy Labs.

© AZUBI COMPANION: the founders Dr. Melanie Steinhoff and Julia Wöhlke
© AZUBI COMPANION: the founders Dr. Melanie Steinhoff and Julia Wöhlke


It doesn't always have to be a college degree; a completed vocational training programme can also be the basis for a successful career. However, the number of people dropping out of training is increasing and with it the number of missed opportunities. AZUBI COMPANION gGmbH wants to counteract this trend and offer trainees personalised support. It also acts as a point of contact for training companies and mediates between the parties in the event of a conflict. The team led by Managing Directors Dr Melanie Steinhoff and Julia Wöhlke is supported by the InnoImpact programme.

© ISM GmbH: Thilo Jürgens-Tatje, Matthias Kaul and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Friedrich Wirz
© ISM GmbH: Thilo Jürgens-Tatje, Matthias Kaul and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Friedrich Wirz


Maritime shipping accounts for a higher proportion of CO2 emissions worldwide than the whole of Germany. The potential savings that can be achieved by determining the optimum energy system for each individual ship are correspondingly large. The startup ISM GmbH, a spin-off of the Marine Engineering working group at Hamburg University of Technology, has developed software for this purpose. It enables detailed solutions for saving fuel as well as a comprehensive fleet strategy for meeting climate targets. The InnoFounder funding now received will enable the team to further improve the software.

© dealday: the founders Lennart Langes and Nik Karbaum
© dealday: the founders Lennart Langes and Nik Karbaum


B2B software sales are more complicated than ever, dealday claims. And at the same time gives the all-clear, because the startup's platform can help to make the process more efficient and successful. This is achieved through customised landing pages, integration of the established MEDDIC method and an exchange of information that accompanies the sales process, from which both sides benefit. The founders of the InnoFounder-funded company, Lennart Langes and Nik Karbau, started dealday in 2024 and have several years of joint professional experience.

©Lit-X: the founders Sebastian Herrmanns and Lars Leipson
©Lit-X: the founders Sebastian Herrmanns and Lars Leipson


Another InnoFounder startup is Lit-X, which has already completed the Media Lift funding programme from next.Media Hamburg. Lit-X helps publishers in their search for the next bestseller. To do this, it tracks international literary trends in social media and evaluates them with the support of artificial intelligence. The service also offers solutions for marketing, for example via bookfluencers, and pricing. The idea was born when one of the founders, data expert Lars Leipson, was looking for a publisher for his amateur novel.

© Noisy Labs: Dr. Axel Schönbeck (CEO), Dieter Berz-Vöge (CFO), Dr. Jascha Zander (Chief Engineering Officer), Dr. Jan Südbeck (CTO) and Prof. Dr. Roman Schnabel (Board Member)
© Noisy Labs: Dr. Axel Schönbeck (CEO), Dieter Berz-Vöge (CFO), Dr. Jascha Zander (Chief Engineering Officer), Dr. Jan Südbeck (CTO) and Prof. Dr. Roman Schnabel (Board Member)

Noisy Labs

What is squeezed light? Few people can give the correct answer to this question, but the founders of the startup Noisy Labs are definitely among them. A detailed answer would go too far here, but it is important to know that squeezed light plays a big role in quantum technology and that lasers working with it are suitable for a range of applications. Among other things, the technology enables more precise data acquisition, greater security in digital communication and a major step towards optical quantum computers. Developed after years of research at the University of Hamburg, the startup is now able to drive forward its entrepreneurial development thanks to funding from the InnoRampUp programme.

  • Public financing in Hamburg

    As a founder in Hamburg, you can access an attractive range of advisory services and an excellently developed funding landscape. Various public funding programmes support your startup financially and with advice, depending on the development phase of your company.

  • Support programmes for startups

    In addition to the IFB's public funding programmes, Hamburg offers founders an excellent infrastructure for further financial support. Numerous offers such as startup consulting, accelerator and incubator programmes enable startups to grow and drive innovative ideas forward.


Startup City Hamburg

At Startup City Hamburg you can find Hamburg’s inspiring startup ecosystem gathered into one space.

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