Beagle Systems takes over inspection of HanseGas' pipeline network
The Hamburg-based startup Beagle Systems uses drone recordings to facilitate inspections of large facilities and critical infrastructure. The company has now announced that it will regularly fly over the entire high-pressure pipeline network of HanseGas, a subsidiary of HanseWerk AG, with immediate effect.

Beagle Systems utilises a global drone network
This step completely replaces the previous regular helicopter flights. It includes monthly drone flights and daily satellite images. The data collected by Beagle Systems is analysed by partner company Supervision.Earth from Darmstadt. The process enables a more precise inspection of the pipeline network and is expected to save HanseGas up to 16 tonnes of CO2 per year. The contract will initially run for three years.
Since it was founded in 2019 by Oliver Lichtenstein, Mitja Wittelsheim and Jerry Tang, Beagle Systems has continuously expanded its business model. The startup received the Hamburg Founder Award 2021 for the development of long-range drones. Beagle Systems now offers drone-as-a-service and has built up a network that can be used to reach virtually any spot in the world. Customers come from sectors such as agriculture, energy supply or disaster relief and receive aerial image data with a resolution 50 times higher than conventional satellite data within 24 hours, the company promises.