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The Smart Country Convention will take place in Berlin from 7 to 9 November. One of the programme highlights will be the presentation of the Smart Country Startup Award with the categories Smart City and GovTech. The application phase ends on 8 October.

The competition is organised by the "Get Started" initiative of the digital association Bitkom. Startups are invited to submit their innovative ideas and forward-looking concepts for the chance to present their projects on stage at the Smart Country Convention in front of a jury of experts and a live audience. There is 5,000 euros prize money per category to be won.

© Messe Berlin GmbH: Christopher Dörner (PipePredict) and Payman Supervizer (VoteBase), winners of the Smart Country Startup Award 2022
© Messe Berlin GmbH: Christopher Dörner (PipePredict) and Payman Supervizer (VoteBase), winners of the Smart Country Startup Award 2022

The categories: Smart City and GovTech

Fast parking space search thanks to smart parking, clean water thanks to intelligent sensors and an individual waste disposal system that sends out the waste collection when the bin is full. Digitalisation in the city and in the countryside affects us all. Whether it's energy and the environment, transport, health, supply and disposal or education and society: innovations in the field of smart cities and smart regions contribute to making our lives and our everyday lives more efficient, more modern and, above all, simpler. Does your startup operate in one of these areas? Then this is your category!

In administration, Germany can still benefit from what is already technologically possible. Innovative ideas in the area of e-government can help administrations, public authorities and governments to reduce bureaucracy and make processes faster and less complicated. From intelligent appointment management to chatbots for public authorities to solutions around cybersecurity, it is not only the public sector that benefits, but also every citizen individually. If you are developing ideas for the digitalisation of the administration, you should apply in this category.


Startup City Hamburg

At Startup City Hamburg you can find Hamburg’s inspiring startup ecosystem gathered into one space.

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