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Success Stories Startups Ecosystem Hamburg

The Hamburg Innovation Summit (HHIS), one of the most important networking events in the Hanseatic city's innovation scene, will take place again on 12 September 2024. One highlight of the programme is the presentation of the Hamburg Innovation Awards in three categories. Startups and established companies can apply until 30 June.

© Mathias Jäger/ Hamburg Startups: In 2022, NECT won the Hamburg Innovation Award in the START category
© Mathias Jäger/ Hamburg Startups: In 2022, NECT won the Hamburg Innovation Award in the START category

The categories of the Hamburg Innovation Awards

The IDEE category is aimed at visionary individuals and teams who have a technology-orientated or innovative business idea. Applications are open to natural persons of legal age who are planning to found a startup and who have not yet been entered in the commercial register or entered the market before 30 June 2024.

The START category addresses companies that were founded after 30 June 2014. The target group are entrepreneurs who have already completed their first years of business and are on their way to consolidating and expanding their market presence with innovative products or services.

The GROWTH category targets established companies that have been entered in the commercial register for at least ten years (as of 30 June 2014) and are well established on the market. Ideally, they should be characterised by sustainable growth and innovative services.

The following applies to all categories: The planned or already established company must be based in the Hamburg metropolitan region.

The winning teams each receive an extensively equipped startup kit with non-cash prizes as well as prize money totalling 5,000 euros. The finalists also have the opportunity to present themselves with a stand at the Hamburg Innovation Summit. The HHIS sees itself as a showcase for Hamburg's innovation scene. This includes companies, science, politics and administration as well as all those interested in innovation from the public sector and, of course, startups. Participation in the awards offers them access to a helpful network and targeted dialogue with other entrepreneurs.


Startup City Hamburg

At Startup City Hamburg you can find Hamburg’s inspiring startup ecosystem gathered into one space.

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