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Success Stories Startups Ecosystem Hamburg

Startups in the publishing sector are flourishing in Hamburg and providing innovative impetus regarding knowledge transfer and the development of creativity. Three notable examples are Electric Elephant Publishing, which experiments with modern formats, QualiFiction with a book success analysis, and Snipsl, which digitally connects readers and authors and transforms the book industry.

© Electric Elephant Publishing: managing director Simon Berg
© Electric Elephant Publishing: managing director Simon Berg

Electric Elephant Publishing

Electric Elephant Publishing, founded in 2016, breaks with traditions and reshapes publishing. The multimedia company published books and videos that reach hundreds of thousands. Electric Elephant Publishing stands out with an innovative approach. It designs content in close interaction with users, influencers and brands, creating a vibrant community. This approach not only provides a platform for food brands to showcase themselves, but also allows them to tap into community feedback and expertise.

© QualiFiction: the founders Dr. Ralf Winkler and Gesa Schöning
© QualiFiction: the founders Dr. Ralf Winkler and Gesa Schöning


QualiFiction develops smart solutions to capture book texts quickly and comprehensively. This is done on the basis of intelligent algorithms, data analyses and literary and industry-specific knowledge. The software solutions are aimed at authors, publishers, bookshops, intermediaries and other industry participants. QualiFiction also includes Kirschbuch Verlag, which publishes novels for which an artificial intelligence has checked the quality and chances of success.

© Snipsl
© Snipsl


Snipsl is an innovative publishing company that offers readers exclusive insights into bestselling books before they are published. Authors can support, vote, leave comments, and experience multimedia ebooks. Authors benefit from polls, statistics, comments, and can build an author brand. Snipsl promotes a fair platform for authors and fans to digitally shape the future of the book industry. The app enables free pre-reading, while the store offers diverse books. With over 450 authors, 1000 books, and 50,000 readers, Snipsl offers a dynamic literary community.


Startup City Hamburg

At Startup City Hamburg you can find Hamburg’s inspiring startup ecosystem gathered into one space.

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