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suena GmbH - innovative near-real-time deployment optimisation of energy storage system


Logo of Suena


Business model: B2B Established: 2021 Employees: 37


  • Energy

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Our developed software "suenAS" enables the innovative near-real-time deployment optimisation of energy storage systems and promotes the profitable marketing of the generated energy through automatic communication with both the energy plants and the electricity trade. With the object-oriented, modular structure of our software, we ensure that we can react flexibly to customer needs and dynamic market developments at any time, thereby increasing our scalability.

About the founders of suena
Lennard excels in strategic planning for business development and is responsible for sales, marketing and communication with customers. Miguel convinces in financial planning and fundraising and is responsible for controlling, accounting and communication with investors. Tom shines in software and product planning and is responsible for quality control including documentation, software development and technical issues in customer service.

Milestones and plans
suena is funded by EXIST and InnoRampUp and participates in the accelerator programmes SpinLab, AXEL and Startplatz. The startup was awarded second place in the science4life Energiecup 2021 and the University Innovation Challenge. In the near future, suena plans to carry out further pilot projects and win its first major customers.

startup suena team

Profile provided by Suena.

  • Early Growth

    Startup Stage

  • € 4.2m

    Total funding

  • 4


  • 37

    Growth Signal

Startup Stage

Early Growth
Late Growth


Number of Employees

A map with the location of Suena

General Contact


Hoheluftchaussee 139
20253 Hamburg


Disclaimer: Company data is provided by Dealroom and startupdetector UG Berlin (, except "About" text, header image, "About" image, email address and phone number.

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