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Success Stories Startups Ecosystem Hamburg

On 4 December, the Körber Start Hub will open its doors and celebrate this with a whole week of events. One of the highlights will be the GenZ Startup Weekend, where young people can develop innovative ideas for the future with professional support. Anyone aged between 15 and 21 can register now.

© Melanie Köslin / Hamburg Invest: group picture of the participants of 2022
© Melanie Köslin / Hamburg Invest: group picture of the participants of 2022

Three days with a packed programme at GenZ Startup Weekend

A GenZ Startup Weekend took place for the first time in 2022 and inspired with five innovative ideas. There will now be a new edition from 8 to 10 December. The event is aimed at young people aged 15 to 21 who want to immerse themselves in the startup world. Topics can focus on mobility, the world of work and life and sustainability in all its facets. Teams are formed spontaneously on the first day of the event, so individual registrations are welcome. Participants will receive support from startup experts and background knowledge on virtual and augmented reality, pitch training and much more. Founder Jonathan Trinh-Bomme will be presenting his startup TerraBox, which aims to bring composting boxes to households.

The highlight of the GenZ Startup Weekend will be the final pitch on Sunday, 10 December. There, the teams can present the results of their three days of work to the audience. The participants will receive constructive feedback from an expert jury and there will also be an award ceremony. The event will take place at the Körber Foundation in HafenCity and is organised by the Young Talents Hamburg (YOTA) initiative, which is part of Hamburg Invest. Participation is free and food and drink will be provided.


Startup City Hamburg

At Startup City Hamburg you can find Hamburg’s inspiring startup ecosystem gathered into one space.

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