The Female Funding Roadshow is all about capital for female-led startups. Female founders get to talk to investors and business angels in a relaxed atmosphere. They receive feedback on their pitches, network with like-minded people and are inspired by experienced female founders who have already received funding.
18:30: Official start of the event
19:00: Welcome and intro from the hosts
Victoria Arnhold, Founder & CEO @ Businettes
Claire Siegert, Co-Founder & COO @ Businettes
19:15: Keynote: Fundraising & founding story of MOM HUNTING
Nadine Schneider & Virginia Thrun, Co-Founders
19:45: 4 startup pitches
20:10: Audience voting & award ceremony
20:20: Networking & snacks
22:30: Closing
Gänsemarkt 43
20354 Hamburg
Route with Google Maps
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